Mrs. Melian
Middle School (6th,7th,8th Grade) Literature Teacher
Favorite Quotation:
At times, the wisdom, inspiration, or even humor that I get from reading a quote helps guide me through the day. A quote I particularly like and that inspires me comes from Mother Teresa. "We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love."
Why I Teach:
I teach because I want to try and make a difference in the lives of today's youth. I want to help build on their strengths, encourage them when they are feeling down, and share a laugh with them when they need a friend.
I have a BS in Human Relations and a MA in School Counseling. I have Teacher Certification for Special Education Grades 1-12, General Education Grades 1-8, and School Counseling Grades 1-12.
Where I Have Lived:
I have always lived in the Dallas area. I currently live in Sachse with my husband and daughter.
My Professional Experience:
I have taught for the Catholic Diocese of Dallas for 11 years at both the elementary and middle school levels. I left the Diocese for two years, but I “came home” as soon as I could!
My Family:
I have been married for 18 years. We have one daughter who is a middle school student at St. Joseph. We have a puppy named Trixie and a Glofish named Electra.
Something you might not know about me:
I once won first place in a Charleston dance contest. Yes, I wore the flapper costume and all!
My prayer for my students:
Loving Father, my future sometimes seems distant and unknown. Give me, O Lord, the vision to see the path you set before me. Grant me the courage to follow your way, that through the gifts and talents you have given me, I may bring your life and your love to others. I ask this through Jesus’s name.